Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Attitude Adjustments Saves Lives

Today when I awoke the sky was grey and it was cold outside. How many people have had a morning like that? All I wanted to do was go back to sleep and forget about all the obligations i had that day. Unfortunately for me, my commitments will not wait if I decide I don't have the will power to meet them.
I stumble out of my bed and stare at a ghastly image in the mirror while I try to convince myself it is going to be a good day. I jump in the shower and as I jump right back out, I realize that it doesn't matter what I tell myself, today, I just feel bad.
Well during my drive to school a thought occurs to me, 'this is my life and I am in control. Life is too short for me to be unhappy about living it'. And so there I go saving a life, MY OWN!
Many people, I imagine, have days like this and I am writing today to let them know that you can save a life by enjoying yours. Every moment wasted on an emotion or feeling that doesn't create a situation in which a person can really feel alive is a waste of life.
Today, I awoke and felt like life itself was just one giant test that I could never pass, and I felt like that because my body was weak and my mind was tired. Now, I have given my mind strength with this mantra of saving a life, and I really feel much better... although a cup of coffee probably will not hurt. Good Luck!

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